Vivekanand Nayak

Vivekanand Nayak's Notes

Vivekanand Nayak

Vivekanand Nayak

August 31 2013
Hi Umesh. Suggestion - In Suggest Songs can u develop a section Archive - all those requests which are closed can be moved to archive. So only pending requests will be seen in Suggest Songs
Umesh Gawade
Umesh Gawade
September 01 2013 Permalink
@Vivek - From dashboard if you click on 'sugegst song' on left side links, you should get only open requests... If you click on "view all" ... you'll get all requests however open requests get the priority in sorting and all open requests are highlighted with different background color...

Are you saying we should move all closed requests to archive even from "view all" section ????
Vivekanand Nayak
Vivekanand Nayak
September 02 2013 Permalink
No. My suggestion is Instead of "View All" we can convert that to "Archive" and show only closed requests there.
As anyways LHS link shows Open requests.
Thanks for pointing I did observe the color coding and priority © 1999-2020 Manjusha Umesh | Privacy | Community Guidelines